United Drug Rehab Group Springfield OH
The United States as a whole as been watching as its biggest drug addiction problem in its history unfolds. States on all sides of the country have been getting ravaged by heroin and opioid addiction as the number and availability of opioid-based prescription medication skyrockets. Never before has it been easier to access prescription pills like Oxycontin, and because of this, more and more people are overdosing, dying and becoming addicted to these dangerous substances. Drugs are tearing communities like Springfield apart. But help is just a phone call away.
If you or someone you know in Springfield is caught up in a struggle with prescription medication or another addictive substance, then the best thing you can do is to educate yourself on the issues and help that person to seek professional help. Because the process of treating oneself and trying to get sober on your own is so prone to relapse, it is highly recommended that professional help is sought. We offer access to an accredited addiction treatment center, with renowned dual diagnosis addiction treatment programs and an experienced staff who are determined to work together to address all of the issues associated with each patient’s addiction.
Because we believe strongly that detox is necessary for treatment to be effective, we offer prescribed stabilizing medication to ease the detoxification process. Additionally, we are able to give patients 24/7 access to individual, group and family counseling by our accredited professional counselors so you always have someone familiar to turn to for help.
If you or a loved one is struggling with drug addiction, don’t wait. Call us today.